Terms of Use

Since We're Told We Have to Post These

  1. Your use of this site is at your own sole risk. By accessing this site and/or by sending content submissions to Primeval Monster, you evidence your agreement to this list of terms and waive any claims against Liquid Raven Media, Primeval Monster, and Primeval Monster's editors, staff, volunteers, agents, assignees, etc. - not that there would be any, but for the sake of clarity.

  2. This site contains mature content intended solely for consumption by adults of legal age. To be absolutely clear, you must be at least eighteen years of age to access this site and to send in content submissions. Users under the age of eighteen who violate these terms are the sole responsibility of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s).

  3. This site and its contents are protected by Digital Millenium Copyright Act (17 US Code § 512) safe harbor provisions. Liquid Raven Media will take down copyright-infringing material upon receipt of valid and compliant written notice provided to Matthew Bullen at info@primeval.monster.

  4. This site's code does not generate tracking cookies and does not use any third party code packages, such as Google Analytics, that track user data.

  5. Primeval Monster and its intellectual property are owned solely and in their entirety by Liquid Raven Media.

  6. Content submissions of any type to Primeval Monster are conditioned on and evidence your agreement that in exchange for Liquid Raven Media and Primeval Monster's evaluation of your content submission for potential publication with Primeval Monster and any affiliated publication outlets, you grant Liquid Raven Media an unrestricted, transferable, and nonrevocable license to use the submission content on this site and in any reproduced, related or derivative materials, including social media channels operated by or affiliated with Liquid Raven Media, without expectation of royalties, monetary, or otherwise valuable compensation, or the exercise of "natural rights" or "Moral Rights of Authors," not explicitly agreed to in writing.

  7. Only Liquid Raven Media and Matthew Bullen have the ability to enter into legally-binding agreements between third parties and Liquid Raven Media and/or Primeval Monster. Unless otherwise explicitly agreed to in writing, Primeval Monster's editors, staff, volunteers, agents, assignees, etc., categorically cannot do so. Any representations to the contrary by the same are on their face null and void.

  8. Donations to Primeval Monster are the sole property of Liquid Raven Media and, as voluntary donations made without out any expectation of return, are not refundable. Any tax or other obligations related to donations made to individual authors via Primeval Monster are the sole responsibility of the same.

  9. Credit for the site template from which this site was built goes to stackrole.